Interacción entre niveles

Correspondiente a la sesión del viernes, 13 de octubre de 2023

1 Cargar/instalar librerías

pacman::p_load(lme4,haven,foreign, stargazer, texreg, lattice, sjPlot, dplyr, ggplot2, ggeffects) # paquetes a cargar

2 Ejemplo 1, datos HSB

2.1 Datos

mlm = read_dta("")

Tabla estadisticos descriptivos

stargazer(,title="Estadísticos descriptivos", type = "text")

Estadísticos descriptivos
Statistic   N     Mean    St. Dev.    Min     Max  
minority  7,185   0.275     0.446      0       1   
female    7,185   0.528     0.499      0       1   
ses       7,185  0.0001     0.779   -3.758   2.692 
mathach   7,185  12.748     6.878   -2.832  24.993 
size      7,185 1,056.862  604.172    100    2,713 
sector    7,185   0.493     0.500      0       1   
pracad    7,185   0.534     0.251    0.000   1.000 
disclim   7,185  -0.132     0.944   -2.416   2.756 
himinty   7,185   0.280     0.449      0       1   
schoolid  7,185 5,277.898 2,499.578  1,224   9,586 
mean      7,185  12.748     3.006    4.240  19.719 
sd        7,185   6.198     0.864    3.541   8.481 
sdalt     7,185   6.256     0.000    6.256   6.256 
junk      7,185  47.316    48.898   0.00002 239.289
sdalt2    7,185  48.394     0.000   48.394  48.394 
num       7,185  48.016    10.822     14      67   
se        7,185   0.919     0.202    0.506   1.824 
sealt     7,185   0.925     0.129    0.764   1.672 
sealt2    7,185   1.028     0.144    0.850   1.859 
t2        7,185  14.656    26.416    0.001  195.811
t2alt     7,185   8.538    11.063    0.001  52.825 
pickone   7,185   0.022     0.148      0       1   
mmses     7,185  0.0001     0.414   -1.194   0.825 
mnses     7,185  0.0001     0.414   -1.194   0.825 
xb        7,185  12.685     2.425    5.684  17.522 
resid     7,185   0.062     6.459   -19.489 16.445 

2.2 Modelos

  • Revisar estructura variable para la interacción

num [1:7185] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 … - attr(*, “format.stata”)= chr “%8.0g”


0 1 3642 3543

mlm$sector_f=as.factor(mlm$sector) # Cambiar a factor
  • Pendiente fija & aleatoria
reg_mlm3a = lmer(mathach ~ 1 + ses + sector_f +  mnses + (1 | schoolid),data=mlm)

# Con pendiente aleatoria
reg_mlm3b = lmer(mathach ~ 1 + ses + sector_f +  mnses + (1 + ses | schoolid),data=mlm)
  • Devianza (ajuste comparativo pendiente fija vs aleatoria)
Data: mlm
reg_mlm3a: mathach ~ 1 + ses + sector_f + mnses + (1 | schoolid)
reg_mlm3b: mathach ~ 1 + ses + sector_f + mnses + (1 + ses | schoolid)
          npar   AIC   BIC logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)  
reg_mlm3a    6 46560 46602 -23274    46548                       
reg_mlm3b    8 46558 46613 -23271    46542 6.0463  2    0.04865 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
  • Estimar modelo con interacción
reg_mlm3c = lmer(mathach ~ 1 + ses + sector_f + ses*sector_f + mnses +  (1 + ses | schoolid), data=mlm)
screenreg(c(reg_mlm3a,reg_mlm3b, reg_mlm3c))

                               Model 1        Model 2        Model 3      
(Intercept)                        12.13 ***      12.04 ***      12.20 ***
                                   (0.20)         (0.20)         (0.20)   
ses                                 2.19 ***       2.20 ***       2.78 ***
                                   (0.11)         (0.12)         (0.14)   
sector_f1                           1.22 ***       1.41 ***       1.27 ***
                                   (0.31)         (0.31)         (0.30)   
mnses                               3.15 ***       3.16 ***       3.13 ***
                                   (0.38)         (0.39)         (0.38)   
ses:sector_f1                                                    -1.33 ***
AIC                             46565.83       46563.47       46532.06    
BIC                             46607.11       46618.51       46593.98    
Log Likelihood                 -23276.92      -23273.74      -23257.03    
Num. obs.                        7185           7185           7185       
Num. groups: schoolid             160            160            160       
Var: schoolid (Intercept)           2.37           2.43           2.34    
Var: Residual                      37.02          36.78          36.79    
Var: schoolid ses                                  0.47           0.07    
Cov: schoolid (Intercept) ses                      0.29           0.18    
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

2.3 Plot

plot_model(reg_mlm3c, type = "int")

3 Ejemplo Aguinis

  • Link a paper aquí

  • Planteamiento general:

” Overall, Chen et al.’s theoretical model predicted that employees who report higher LMX (i.e., a better relationship with their leader) will feel more empowered (i.e., they have the autonomy and capability to perform meaning- ful work that can affect their organization). In addition, Chen et al.’s model included the hypothesis that the team-level variable leadership climate (i.e., ambient leadership behaviors directed at the team as a whole) would also affect individual-level empowerment positively. Moreover, Chen et al. hypothesized that the relationship between LMX and empowerment would be moderated by leadership climate such that the relationship would be stronger for teams with a better leadership climate.” (p.1492)

  • Preguntas e hipótesis:
  1. Lower-level direct effects. Does a lower-level predictor X (i.e., Level 1 or L1 predictor) have an effect on a lower-level outcome variable Y (i.e., L1 outcome)? Specifically regarding our illus- tration, there is an interest in testing whether LMX, as perceived by subordinates, predicts individual empowerment. Note that LMX scores are collected for each individual worker (i.e., there is no aggregation of such scores for the purpose of testing the presence of a lower-level direct effect).

  2. Cross-level direct effects. Does a higher-level predictor W (i.e., Level 2 or L2 predictor) have an effect on an L1 outcome variable Y? Specifically, we would like to assess whether L2 variable leadership climate predicts L1 outcome individual empowerment.

  3. Cross-level interaction effects. Does the nature or strength of the relationship between two lower-level variables (e.g., L1 predictor X and L1 outcome Y) change as a function of a higher- level variable W? Referring back to our substantive illustration, we are interested in testing the hypothesis that the relationship between LMX and individual empowerment may vary as a function of (i.e., is moderated by) the degree of leadership climate such that the relationship will be stronger for teams with more positive leadership climate and weaker for teams with less positive leadership climate.

3.1 Datos

exdata=read.csv("", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
stargazer(exdata, type = "text")

Statistic  N   Mean  St. Dev.   Min    Max  
l1id      630 3.500   1.709      1      6   
l2id      630 53.000  30.334     1     105  
X         630 4.800   1.500    0.221  8.731 
Xbarj     630 4.800   0.793    3.319  6.907 
Wj        630 4.770   0.700    2.966  6.987 
cat       630 0.505   0.500      0      1   
Y         630 5.720   0.900    2.739  8.381 
Xc        630 0.000   1.273   -3.904  3.865 
XcWj      630 -0.000  6.196   -22.683 18.487
Wjc       630 -0.000  0.700   -1.804  2.217 
  • Rename variables para que sean más coherentes con el ejemplo
exdata <- exdata %>% rename(LMX=Xc,Lidclim=Wjc)
  • Variables relevantes

    • l2id: id de nivel 2, equipos de trabajo
    • LMX: quality of leader–member exchange
    • Lidclim: clima de liderazgo en el equipo
    • Y: variable dependiente, empoderamiento individual

3.2 Modelos

  • Modelo Nulo e ICC
lmm.fit1=lmer(Y ~ 1 + (1|l2id), data=exdata,REML=F)
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
Formula: Y ~ 1 + (1 | l2id)
   Data: exdata

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
  1643.0   1656.4   -818.5   1637.0      627 

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.96708 -0.61992 -0.00518  0.60150  2.88977 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 l2id     (Intercept) 0.09494  0.3081  
 Residual             0.71378  0.8449  
Number of obs: 630, groups:  l2id, 105

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)  5.72000    0.04513   126.7
[1] 0.1173919
  • Modelo con predictores fijos
lmm.fit2=lmer(Y ~1 + LMX + Lidclim +(1|l2id),data=exdata,REML=F)

                       Model 1    
(Intercept)               5.72 ***
LMX                       0.28 ***
Lidclim                   0.35 ***
AIC                    1487.64    
BIC                    1509.87    
Log Likelihood         -738.82    
Num. obs.               630       
Num. groups: l2id       105       
Var: l2id (Intercept)     0.06    
Var: Residual             0.56    
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05
  • Pendiente aleatoria
lmm.fit3=lmer(Y ~1 + LMX + Lidclim +(1 + LMX|l2id), data=exdata,REML=F)
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
Formula: Y ~ 1 + LMX + Lidclim + (1 + LMX | l2id)
   Data: exdata

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
  1483.5   1514.6   -734.7   1469.5      623 

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.0693 -0.5814 -0.0309  0.5965  3.5938 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr 
 l2id     (Intercept) 0.06802  0.2608        
          LMX         0.02529  0.1590   -0.09
 Residual             0.51438  0.7172        
Number of obs: 630, groups:  l2id, 105

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)  5.72000    0.03827 149.478
LMX          0.26958    0.02829   9.530
Lidclim      0.35570    0.05468   6.505

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
        (Intr) LMX   
LMX     -0.034       
Lidclim  0.000 -0.001


Data: exdata
lmm.fit2: Y ~ 1 + LMX + Lidclim + (1 | l2id)
lmm.fit3: Y ~ 1 + LMX + Lidclim + (1 + LMX | l2id)
         npar    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)  
lmm.fit2    5 1487.6 1509.9 -738.82   1477.6                       
lmm.fit3    7 1483.5 1514.6 -734.75   1469.5 8.1422  2    0.01706 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
  • Modelo con interacción entre niveles
lmm.fit4=lmer(Y ~1 + LMX*Lidclim + (1 + LMX|l2id), data=exdata, REML=F)

                           Model 1    
(Intercept)                   5.72 ***
LMX                           0.27 ***
Lidclim                       0.35 ***
LMX:Lidclim                   0.10 ** 
AIC                        1478.19    
BIC                        1513.76    
Log Likelihood             -731.10    
Num. obs.                   630       
Num. groups: l2id           105       
Var: l2id (Intercept)         0.07    
Var: l2id LMX                 0.02    
Cov: l2id (Intercept) LMX    -0.00    
Var: Residual                 0.52    
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

3.3 Reporte final

  • Tabla
screenreg(list(lmm.fit1, lmm.fit2, lmm.fit3, lmm.fit4))

                           Model 1      Model 2      Model 3      Model 4    
(Intercept)                   5.72 ***     5.72 ***     5.72 ***     5.72 ***
                             (0.05)       (0.04)       (0.04)       (0.04)   
LMX                                        0.28 ***     0.27 ***     0.27 ***
                                          (0.02)       (0.03)       (0.03)   
Lidclim                                    0.35 ***     0.36 ***     0.35 ***
                                          (0.05)       (0.05)       (0.05)   
LMX:Lidclim                                                          0.10 ** 
AIC                        1643.04      1487.64      1483.50      1478.19    
BIC                        1656.38      1509.87      1514.62      1513.76    
Log Likelihood             -818.52      -738.82      -734.75      -731.10    
Num. obs.                   630          630          630          630       
Num. groups: l2id           105          105          105          105       
Var: l2id (Intercept)         0.09         0.06         0.07         0.07    
Var: Residual                 0.71         0.56         0.51         0.52    
Var: l2id LMX                                           0.03         0.02    
Cov: l2id (Intercept) LMX                              -0.00        -0.00    
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

En html

htmlreg(list(lmm.fit1, lmm.fit2, lmm.fit3, lmm.fit4),
    custom.model.names = c("Nulo","Pendiente <br> fija","Pendiente <br> Aleatoria", "Interacción"),
    custom.coef.names = c("Intercepto", "LMX $(\\gamma_{10})$" ,"Clima liderazgo $(\\gamma_{01})$", "LMX*Clima $(\\gamma_{11})$"),
                   "Var: l2id ($\\tau_{00}$)",
                   "Var: Residual ($\\sigma^2$)",
                   "Var: l2id LMX ($\\tau_{11}$)",
                   "Cov: l2id (Intercept) LMX ($\\tau_{01}$)"),
    custom.note = "%stars. Errores estándar en paréntesis",
    caption="Replicacion Tabla Aguinis",
    doctype = FALSE)
Replicacion Tabla Aguinis
  Nulo Pendiente
Intercepto 5.720*** 5.720*** 5.720*** 5.720***
  (0.045) (0.038) (0.038) (0.038)
LMX \((\gamma_{10})\)   0.279*** 0.270*** 0.269***
    (0.023) (0.028) (0.027)
Clima liderazgo \((\gamma_{01})\)   0.351*** 0.356*** 0.351***
    (0.055) (0.055) (0.055)
LMX*Clima \((\gamma_{11})\)       0.104**
AIC 1643.040 1487.641 1483.499 1478.192
BIC 1656.377 1509.870 1514.619 1513.758
Log Likelihood -818.520 -738.821 -734.749 -731.096
Num. obs. 630 630 630 630
Num. groups: l2id 105 105 105 105
Var: l2id (\(\tau_{00}\)) 0.095 0.060 0.068 0.068
Var: Residual (\(\sigma^2\)) 0.714 0.563 0.514 0.516
Var: l2id LMX (\(\tau_{11}\))     0.025 0.019
Cov: l2id (Intercept) LMX (\(\tau_{01}\))     -0.004 -0.004
***p < 0.001; **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05. Errores estándar en paréntesis
  • Interaction Plot
plot_model(lmm.fit4, type = "int")

4 Foro